Three Star galleryはギャラリー以外の販売スペースとしてもご利用いただけます。 学生割を取り入れ学生の方々にもご利用して頂き易い料金設定となっております。
Part of the space inside the shop Three Star Kyoto has been converted into a gallery.
The gallery has been moved to the leftmost space on the second floor of the shop, and utilized for various activities. Three Star Gallery can be used as a selling area as well.
Student discounts have been incorporated into our fee tables, so that students can also use the gallery easily.
ギャラリー/Gallery A
<< ご利用料金 / Price >>
ギャラリーA・B | ギャラリーC | ABC全て使用 | ||||
利用期間 | 2W | 4W | 2W | 4W | 2W | 4W |
料金 | ¥40,000 | ¥60,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥60,000 | ¥50,000 | ¥80,000 |
学制割 | ¥25,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥25,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥50,000 |
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment and chairs
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示用図面 >>
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment and chairs
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示用図面 >>
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment, chairs and three flat stands for Gallery C
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示規約(日本語) >> | << Agreement (English) >>
Please feel free to ask us for viewing at any time within our shop hours.
You can ask our staffs for the details by emails and/or calls.
Please do never miss this opportunity.
〒604-8042 京都市中京区新京極通四条上ル中之町583-2 美松会館
Mimatsu Kaikan, 583-2 Nakanocho, Shijo-agaru, Shin-kyogoku-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8042 JAPAN
営業時間. 11:00〜20:00
Shop hours: 11:00 to 20:00
Mail. info@threestar-kyoto.jp
TEL. 075-746-5903
Three Star galleryはギャラリー以外の販売スペースとしてもご利用いただけます。 学生割を取り入れ学生の方々にもご利用して頂き易い料金設定となっております。
Part of the space inside the shop Three Star Kyoto has been converted into a gallery.
The gallery has been moved to the leftmost space on the second floor of the shop, and utilized for various activities. Three Star Gallery can be used as a selling area as well.
Student discounts have been incorporated into our fee tables, so that students can also use the gallery easily.
ギャラリー/Gallery A
<< ご利用料金 / Price >>
ギャラリーA・B | ギャラリーC | ABC全て使用 | ||||
利用期間 | 2W | 4W | 2W | 4W | 2W | 4W |
料金 | ¥40,000 | ¥60,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥60,000 | ¥50,000 | ¥80,000 |
学制割 | ¥25,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥25,000 | ¥40,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥50,000 |
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment and chairs
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示用図面 >>
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment and chairs
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示用図面 >>
Carry-In Entrance at the First Floor; Delivery by Vehicles Could Be Allowed Only If Consulted
“Wire, simple equipment, chairs and three flat stands for Gallery C
*Depending on your plan, the other fixtures for display, mannequins and torsos are available for use as well.”
<< 展示規約(日本語) >> | << Agreement (English) >>
Please feel free to ask us for viewing at any time within our shop hours.
You can ask our staffs for the details by emails and/or calls.
Please do never miss this opportunity.
〒604-8042 京都市中京区新京極通四条上ル中之町583-2 美松会館
Mimatsu Kaikan, 583-2 Nakanocho, Shijo-agaru, Shin-kyogoku-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8042 JAPAN
営業時間. 11:00〜20:00
Shop hours: 11:00 to 20:00
Mail. info@threestar-kyoto.jp
TEL. 075-746-5903